Research Fellowship Program
Fellowship Requirements
Detailed, current curriculum vitae, outlining training, qualifications and experience.
Three written references:
The appropriate referees are senior colleagues who have worked with the applicant within the last two years
Referees are requested to report on the trainee's current professional standard and capability and to consider the appropriateness and usefulness of the proposed program to the trainee's home country.

Educational Goals and Characteristics
The purpose of the Fellowship Program is to support a research fellow in conducting clinically relevant research which will shape the future of evidence-based orthopaedic practice. Fellowship programs are often given to Surgeons with years of surgical experience in their home countries. We offer a 1-year research fellowship program.
Research opportunities exist in many aspects of knee disorders related to the usefulness of examination procedures and diagnostic tests, the effectiveness, usefulness and safety of surgery and patient reported outcomes measurements. The research fellow will work directly with our research team at SORI and he/she will have the opportunity to be involved with writing and editing manuscripts in addition to poster presentations at national and international conferences.
The objectives of the research fellowship program are:
To introduce critical topics in orthopaedic research and orthopaedic traumatology.
To acquire basic knowledge of protocol development including literature searches, research design, statistical analysis, and interpretation of research findings/results
To participate on an interdisciplinary research team and successfully implement studies
To identify funding opportunities and develop grant writing skills
To write up study results and/or review articles for publication
To disseminate research findings through poster/oral presentations and submission of manuscripts
The research fellow should have appropriate MD or PhD in a relevant health discipline, or equivalent experience, or experience in the conduct of population health and health services or translational research.
The Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute Fellowships are accredited by the Australian Orthopaedic Association.
Hear from our Fellows
Hear from some of our recent fellows at SORI and learn about how enriching their experience has been.