Our Research Team
Our Research team operates out of our St Leonards office, while also collecting data at the Mater and RPA hospitals. Working across the organisation, our researchers regularly collaborate with other community service agencies, universities, research institutes and government agencies to complete research studies.
Harbeer Ahedi, PhD
Senior Clinical Research Associate/ Database Manager
Dr Harbeer Ahedi has a PhD in biomedical sciences with an extensive background in Osteoarthritis, data management and statistics. Her career has been a balance between academic and clinical research. As a researcher her focus has been on developing preventive techniques to reduce incidence of Osteoarthritis (OA) and improve the utilization of imaging modalities to study the epidemiology of OA. Currently she is the Senior Research Assistant/Data Coordinator at Sydney Orthopedic Research Institute.

Dr Yareni Guerrero, ExSc PhD
Research Associate/Biomechanics
Yareni Guerrero, is a distinguished Exercise Scientist with a Doctor of Philosophy in clinical Biomechanics at the University of Sydney. Her studies mainly focus in delivering effective clinical trials for patients with Osteoarthritis and conducting three-dimensional
biomechanical gait analysis. Her career is enriched as Elite Athlete who represented Australia in the discipline of Olympic Wrestling and brining immediately wealth of knowledge in biomechanical analysis of human movement and performance as well as effective strategies to maintaining people active and healthy along their lifespan.

Dr Venkatesha Venkatesha, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.
Research Biostatistician
Venkatesha (Venkat) is a Research Biostatistician with Northern Sydney Local Health District (NSLHD) and provides statistical consulting to SORI research team. With over two decades of experience as an academic and consultant statistician, Venkat has collaborated with universities and organisations across the USA, UK, India, and Australia. His consulting work has supported numerous clinical trials and research studies, contributing to over three-hundred research publications. Venkat’s research interests span meta-analysis of dispersion parameters, data envelopment analysis, statistics education, and consulting methodology. In his free time, he enjoys listening to music, gardening, and cricket, both as an enthusiastic viewer and occasional player.

Nikitha Rao, BEng (Biomed)
Clinical Research Administrator
Nikitha is completing her Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (Honours) with a Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice.
Her role as a clinical research administrator involves conducting patient consultations and regularly updating databases, to assist orthopaedic research.

Jack Nilsen, BEng (Biomed)
Clinical Research Administrator
Jack Nilsen currently completing a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (Hons) and Diploma of Engineering Practice at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
As a Clinical Research Administrator (CRA) at the Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute (SORI), he is routinely involved in patient consults, clinical measurements, data entry and management along with numerous administrative duties.

Chloe Jones, BEng (Biomed)
Clinical Research Administrator
Chloe is completing her Bachelor of Biomedical Science. As a clinical research assistant at the Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute, she is responsible for conducting consultations with patients, assisting with ongoing studies, updating and maintaining databases, to assist with furthering orthopaedic research.

Joshua Quispe, BEng (Biomed)
Clinical Research Administrator
Joshua Quispe is currently completing a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (Hons) and Diploma of Engineering Practice at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
As a Clinical Research Administrator at the Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute, he is routinely involved in patient consults, clinical measurements, data entry and management along with numerous administrative duties, to assist orthopaedic research.

Damien Teh, BEng (Biomed)
Clinical Research Administrator
Damien Teh is currently completing a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (Hons) at the University of Sydney (USYD).
As a Clinical Research Administrator (CRA) at the Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute (SORI), he is responsible for consulting patients, collect clinical measurements, conduct data entry and management along with the multitude of administrative duties.

Samuel Grasso B. Engineering, PhD
Consulting Engineer
Samuel has completed a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree and a Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering (2018) at the University of Sydney. His research incorporates computational and image based methodologies to measure and optimise ligament position in ACL reconstruction on a patient specific basis, to improve pre-surgical planning processes and post-operative assessment.
Samuel is responsible for Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institutes research and development activities involving computational modelling.

Lionel Jeyaraj FCCA, FIPA, FFA
Finance and Administration
Lionel is a member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants UK and Institute of Public Accountants in Australia. He brings over 30 years of extensive domestic and international business accounting and advisory services, including eight years in the accounting profession. He has accumulated a wealth of experience in business management, tax accounting and compliance, financial analyses, auditing, statutory and ASX reporting, technology and change management. Lionel is focused on business results and improvement though effective processes, systems, reporting and efficient asset management.
Lionel has industry experience in various capacities ranging from Accountant to CFO encompassing information technology, telecommunications, education, gaming, leisure, research, marketing, venture capital and not for profit organisation.